Christina Blacklaws



Christina is passionate about diversity and inclusion, access to justice and technology. She has led her profession as President of the Law Society and holds a number of government positions. Her motivation in life is to make a positive difference in the world. She is married to Graham, has 4 children and one small dog called Frankie.

We’re thrilled that you’ll be taking the stage at TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells stage, Christina. Can you tell us a little bit about your idea worth spreading?
If we are not very careful, we will hardwire society’s prejudices into future computerised/algorithmic decision making - without realising it, bringing about a dystopian future.

What was the main motivation for giving a TEDx talk?
I want to raise awareness and debate about this important issue. We all have a responsibility to prevent it.

What is the one thing you want the audience to take away from your TEDx talk?
The need for us all to actively counter bias, look out for it and call it out when we see it - especially if decisions are being made by machines.

What are some of your favourite TED or TEDx talks?
I loved the unconscious bias talk by Verna Myers and my very first TED talk, the one that got me hooked, was the meaning of why by Simon Sinek.


We're really excited to be welcoming you to Tunbridge Wells! Is there anything other than giving a TEDx talk that you're looking forward to doing or seeing while you’re here?
Having previously worked in Tunbridge Wells for 3 years, I am really looking forward to coming back. I have so many fond memories of the beautiful town and good friends that I’m really keen to catch up with.

You can find Christina on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Don’t have tickets to see Christina at TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells? Change that right now!