TEDxRoyal Tunbridge Wells provides an excellent place to get your name in front of a unique audience, while supporting impactful and memorable experiences for our attendees. Our events are only possible thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, who enable us to produce incredible talks, and level up our experience for our attendees. With opportunities for both paid and in-kind sponsorship, our events are the perfect place to advertise your offering while supporting locally produced, non-profit events.

Benefits for your business

Regardless of the level of sponsorship, your business can benefit massively from sponsorship:

  • Promotion in videos of our published talks, on stage, on social media, on our website, in event marketing, and in event programmes - you'll join our roster of talks that have amassed over 4.7 million views on YouTube, and growing!

  • Complimentary tickets to our events, with the most allocated to our biggest contributors

  • The opportunity to purchase further tickets at a discounted rate compared to the general sale

  • Alignment with the TEDx brand, and re-enforcement of your brand proposition - demonstrate to your clients that you're committed to supporting non-profit organisations

  • Being the first to hear about future events, and the opportunity to volunteer with us

  • In-kind partners receive the specific promotion that they are TEDxRoyal Tunbridge Wells' partner in a specific area (e.g. "Accounting Partner", "Storage Partner", etc.)

Our largest contributors also receive the following:

  • Priority consideration to run TEDx Adventures, a new way to engage our audience directly with your brand through workshops and other activities outside of our events

  • Priority consideration to host future TEDxRoyal Tunbridge Wells events, such as TEDxLive and TEDxSalon events

  • The opportunity to meet speakers backstage and attend dress rehearsals

  • More prominent logo placement in all of our sponsor promotion areas, including reference in articles and interviews

  • And more - we're always interested in unique collaborations with our sponsors to help maximise the value of your contribution

We also have bespoke sponsorship packages for those wishing to make a lasting impact with TEDxRoyal Tunbridge Wells, such as by covering the costs of a team member attending a qualifying TED conference.

Your impact on our future

Sponsorship for even small amounts enables us to expand the event experience. Some examples include:

  • Enabling us to provide community tickets to those unable to access TEDxRoyal Tunbridge Wells

  • Covering expenses for speakers to attend TEDxRoyal Tunbridge Wells

  • Subsidising the cost of merchandise

  • Covering a large portion of our venue hire costs

  • Enabling us to send a committee member to a qualifying TED Conference





Interested in becoming a sponsor or media partner? Please get in touch at or by filling in the form below.