Julian Abel

Dr Julian Abel



Dr Julian Abel is joint author of the newly published book The Compassion Project, along with prize winning novelist Lindsay Clarke.

Since 2016 he has been working with Frome Medical Practice in Somerset in developing a new model of primary care combined with compassionate communities. The health outcomes of this model have been dramatic, improving the health of people of Frome at the same time as reducing population emergency admissions. Increasing compassion, love, laughter and friendship is the most effective way of leading a happy, healthy and long life. The outcomes from Frome have generated international interest. The story of Compassionate Frome and the implications of this approach became the subject matter for The Compassion Project.

He became a consultant in palliative care 2001, becoming increasingly involved in finding ways of building compassionate communities around people at end of life. He has run projects at local, regional and national levels. He is an international keynote speaker on public health palliative care. He has published regularly on models of public health palliative care. Dr Abel and Professor Allan Kellehear are the editors for the forthcoming publication The Oxford Textbook of Public Health Palliative Care.

Learn more about Dr Julian Abel on his website and connect with him on Twitter


Julian Abel



Dr Julian Abel spent his clinical life as a palliative care specialist doctor. He has developed a special interest in compassionate communities, initially as part of supporting people undergoing experiences of death, dying, loss and care giving. Over the last 4 years he has worked with Frome Medical Practice applying the compassionate community approach to healthcare in general, with some startling results. He is Director of Compassionate Communities UK, a charity which aims to share the lessons learnt in both palliative care and primary care more broadly.

Julian, we’re so pleased that you’re speaking at TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells. Can you tell us a little bit about your idea worth spreading?
Compassion is more than just a nice idea. When applied across communities and combined with primary care, the impacts on health are transformational and measurable. How we treat each other as human beings has a profound impact on both health and well-being. The implications for changing the practice of medicine are significant. Being kind and compassionate is something we can all participate in, in whatever ways we can manage. Transforming our world will be done through the joint efforts of everyone doing something.

What was the main motivation for giving a TEDx talk?
TED talks have an incredible reach. Talks have been watched more than 1 billion times. It really is a global community with the aim of spreading new ideas. What we have to say about compassionate communities is applicable the world over and we want this message to go to as many people as possible. TED is uniquely placed to do this. 

What is the one thing you want the audience to take away from your TEDx talk?
Please, be kind and compassionate whenever you can. It makes a difference and is not just something nice to think about. Behaving differently has the power to transform our world, make us healthier, happier, and live longer.

What are some of your favourite TED or TEDx talks?
Suagta Mitra - The child driven education, Ernesto Sirolli - Want to help somebody? Shut up and listen, Sir Ken Robinson - Do schools kill creativity, and many more!


You can find Julian on Twitter and his website.
Get your tickets to see Julian at TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells today!